How To Know If It’s Time to Change Your Vehicle’s Oil

By Product Expert | Posted in Service and Repair, Tips and Info on Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 at 9:00 am
Oil pouring from a can

A Quick Guide on When to Change Your Vehicle’s Oil

Regular oil changes are the lifeblood of a healthy vehicle, ensuring its engine runs smoothly and efficiently. But how do you know when to give your car a fresh sip of oil? In this guide by our team at Eric Von Schledorn Auto Group in Milwaukee, WI, we’ll explore the telltale signs that indicate it’s time to change your vehicle’s oil.

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1. Check the Mileage: One of the simplest ways to determine when your car is due for an oil change is by keeping track of its mileage. Most experts recommend changing the oil every 3,000 to 5,000 miles but always refer to your vehicle’s manual for the manufacturer’s specific recommendations. Exceeding these mileage limits can lead to decreased engine performance and potential damage.

2. Oil Color and Consistency: Take a moment to inspect your vehicle’s oil on the dipstick. Fresh oil has a translucent amber hue, while old and used oil tends to become darker and more viscous. If you notice a significant change in color or consistency, it’s likely time for an oil change.

Service professional pouring oil into vehicle
Service professional standing in front of a vehicle

3. Engine Noises: Unusual engine sounds, such as knocking or ticking, may signal insufficient lubrication due to aging or contaminated oil. If you hear these noises, consult a professional mechanic to determine if an oil change is necessary.

4. Warning Lights: Modern vehicles come equipped with sophisticated warning systems. If your dashboard displays the oil change indicator or the check engine light, it’s a clear signal to schedule an oil change promptly. Ignoring these warnings may lead to more severe engine issues.

5. Decreased Fuel Efficiency: A drop in fuel efficiency could be linked to dirty or insufficient oil. Clean oil reduces friction within the engine, promoting optimal fuel combustion. If you notice a sudden decline in miles per gallon, consider it a cue to schedule an oil change.

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Schedule Service in Milwaukee, WI!

By monitoring mileage, inspecting the oil’s color and consistency, listening for engine noises, and paying attention to warning lights and fuel efficiency, you’ll ensure your car stays healthy and performs at its best. You can schedule regular oil change service with us at Eric Von Schledorn Auto Group if you reside in Milwaukee, WI.

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