Von Schledorn Auto Group Official Blog
Archive for July, 2020
2021 Ford Bronco Video Compilation
Friday, July 31st, 2020
Learn about the upcoming 2021 Ford Bronco with these entertaining videos!
The automotive world is rife with excitement over the upcoming return of the Ford Bronco for the 2021 model year. To celebrate, we’ve compiled a slew of videos that look at various aspects of this new machine. Most of them come straight from Ford, though we also get an outside take from the folks over at MotorTrend. Finally, for the true Bronco acolytes, there’s a trailer for an upcoming podcast from Ford that promises to detail the full, fifty-year story of the legendary Bronco.
So strap in, pull out the popcorn, and enjoy!
(more…)Where are good spots to go camping in the Milwaukee area?
Friday, July 31st, 2020
Varied Camping Area Suggestions near Milwaukee, WI
In this era of COVID-19, many of our usual summer activities are simply off the table. Thankfully, one avenue still open is attending a campground in a safe, responsible manner. When doing so, be sure to stay safe; wear masks when indoors (and outdoors whenever adequate social distancing is not possible) and follow all the rules of Governor Evers’ latest mandate.
To help stimulate some ideas on where to head, we’ve compiled a few (relatively) local choices below. The first two are our “hip” choices (with the first being a clothing-optional location), and the latter two are more traditional. Explore and see what you think! The experience and adventure are the important elements, if you ask us.
(more…)How much can the 2020 Ford SUV and Crossover models tow?
Sunday, July 26th, 2020
Current Ford SUV Model Towing Capacities
SUVs and their crossover counterparts have skyrocketed in popularity among American drivers over the past couple decades. The powerful capabilities of these vehicles is one of their main attractions; many can perform impressive feats such as off-road adventuring and towing.
Responding to this demand, Ford has an impressive array of SUVs and crossovers in its modern wheelhouse. How much can each current Ford SUV/crossover model tow?
(more…)Are rear headrests legal to remove?
Thursday, July 23rd, 2020
Headrest Legal Requirements
You may have noted that headrests in vehicles don’t tend to be the most comfortable places to rest one’s dome. This is because headrests are in place for safety rather than comfort. A headrest can go a long way towards preventing whiplash if one’s vehicle gets rear-ended.
Still, some situations occur when one would like to remove a headrest; specifically, those in the backseat area of a vehicle. Is it legal to remove the rear headrest?
(more…)How do I find the ideal vehicle for my height?
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020
Guide to Finding the Right Vehicle for Tall and Short Individuals
Obtaining a comfortable vehicle can be a challenging proposition for those who are either taller or shorter than average. Luckily, by following a few tips, one can increase the chances of finding a car that suits their unique frame. Read on for our handy guide to finding a properly-sized ride!
(more…)How much does it cost to research a used car?
Monday, July 20th, 2020
Costs and Importance of a Vehicle History Report
An important part of buying a used car is performing the proper research. This is recommended because, though the vehicle may appear to be in top-tier quality, past incidents could result in problems soon after purchase.
Obtaining a Vehicle History Report is a great way to learn just what any particular vehicle has been through in its lifetime. But many potential researchers find themselves wondering, “how much does it cost to get a Vehicle History Report?”
(more…)How does the Ford Escape Hybrid recharge its electric motor?
Friday, July 17th, 2020
Ford Escape Hybrid Recharging Technology and FAQs
Electric vehicles are accepted by most in the automotive industry as the future of cars; the benefits of these vehicles are simply too much to ignore. However, charging infrastructure has a way to go before electric cars can be used easily and conveniently throughout the country.
For those who wish to ease into the benefits of an EV lifestyle, hybrid models are an attractive option. The Ford Escape Hybrid is particularly alluring; the hybrid technology is subtle, and from the outside it simply appears as an SUV that gets great gas mileage and doesn’t create many harmful emissions.
Many considering the Ford Escape Hybrid find themselves wondering: how does this vehicle recharge its electric motor?
(more…)Do electric semi-trucks exist?
Tuesday, July 14th, 2020
Electric Big-Rig Truck FAQs
As concerns about the environment continue to increase, measures are being implemented to minimize pollution. Traffic is a big cause of air pollution, and electric vehicles are being posited as a way to counter this issue. Semi-trucks are an even greater cause of air pollution than the average vehicle. Do electric semis exist?
(more…)What is the ideal oil weight for a vehicle?
Saturday, July 11th, 2020
Ideal Oil Viscosity for Your Car
A trip to the oil section of your local parts store may result in a bit of shock. There are, after all, just so many oils out there. How do you know which one you should choose? What’s the ideal oil weight for your vehicle?
(more…)What is the towing capacity of the 2020 Ford Super Duty pickup models?
Wednesday, July 8th, 2020
2020 Ford Super Duty Pickup Tow Weight Rating
Ford Super Duty pickups are made to conquer big jobs. One task they’re often needed for is towing. How much can the 2020 Ford Super Duty pickups tow?