How Can I Safely Deep-Fry a Thanksgiving Turkey?

By Product Expert | Posted in Holiday, Safety, Tips and Info on Thursday, November 9th, 2017 at 9:24 pm
Safely Deep Fry a Turkey, text on an image of a cartoon turkey being dropped into the fryer

How to Safely Deep-Fry a Thanksgiving Turkey

Everyone has seen a horror video of a Thanksgiving turkey being deep fried that ends in disastrous results.  The reason people continue to deep fry turkeys is because, when done properly and safely, a deep-fried turkey is one of the most incredible meats to enter your mouth.  It turns a lean, dry meat and miraculously turns it into a moist and mouth-watering masterpiece.  When deep frying a turkey, safety should always be the number one priority, and even though deep fried turkey is a holiday delicacy, never drink and fry.  Here is how to safely and deliciously deep-fried turkey.

Deep Fried Turkey Safety Tips

Keep Children & Pets Away from the Deep Fryer

Nothing good can come of showing little Johnny the deep-frying turkey, only scalds and screams.  Also, pets should not be allowed to meander around the deep-fryer setup, curiosity killed the cat and can create even bigger problems than that.  Always fry outside, far away from the house, garage, deck and any overhanging trees as well.

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Know the Amount of Oil You Need

The common denominator in all of the internet’s deep-fried turkey disasters is that the oil level was too high, causing oil to spill over onto an open flame.  An easy way to determine the right amount of oil for your bird is to place it in the deep fryer and then fill it with water until the turkey is submerged, then remove it and mark that spot so you know how far to fill the oil.  If the water spills over the edge at any point for any reason, or even comes close to spilling over the edge (there should be 3”-5” of clearance), get a smaller turkey or a larger fryer.  DO NOT attempt to fry a turkey that is too big for your setup.


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Thanksgiving turkey waiting to be carved

Deep Fried Turkey Cooking Tips

Defrost Turkey

Never deep fry a frozen turkey, before deep frying a turkey it should be defrosted and brought to room temperature.

Preheat Oil

Recommended oil temperature is between 375° F and 400° F, as the oil preheats is the best time to add any seasoning, rubs or flavor injections to the turkey.  Once the oil is preheated, turn off the burner and slowly lower the turkey into the fryer, then reignite the burner.

Cook Time

Deep fried turkey should be cooked 3 to 4 minutes per pound, or to an internal temperature of 165° F to 170° F for white meat and 175° to 180 ° for dark meat.  Allow the deep-fried turkey to stand for 20 minutes in a pot or pan before serving.

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